
In$ite, the basis for all SchoolNomics services, is a patented system for school spending analysis developed by the U.S Chamber of Commerce and Coopers and Lybrand, the international accounting firm (now PricewaterhouseCoopers).

The National Center for Education Statistics has recognized In$ite for “school site reporting prowess.”

SchoolNomics provides relevant data for districts, schools and charter schools through three core products:

  • In$ite® answers the need for financial transparency by turning hard-to-comprehend data into easy-to-read reports, without the need for costly software conversions. All stakeholders have the data they need to analyze cost/benefit at the school, district and program levels.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can be used with EDmin's INFORM® Learning System to perform analysis of financial data using In$ite and/or the district's financial information.  Financial data can be analyzed with other sources of education data to perform on-the-fly cost benefit or return on investment analysis.
  • A Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) applies granular, transparent and consistent; uniform methodologies to compare spending district to district and school to school. Typically this service is only applied by states, but it may be of interest to a company that manages charter schools. UCOA uses In$ite, but has a broader and more granular database.

Federal compliance reporting

Our SchoolNomics professionals have experience providing assistance on federal compliance reporting. This service is available to states through In$ite and the Uniform Chart of Accounts.